Dr Sanghvi and Dr Chitkara also bust some common breast cancer myths
Myth 1: Breast cancer is not curable
Fact: It is curable if detected early.

Myth 2: Breast cancer is contagious or infectious
Fact: It's neither infectious nor contagious.

Myth 3: Breast Conservation Surgery is unsafe compared to complete breast removal or mastectomy
Fact: Breast Conservation Surgery + Radiation therapy is as safe as complete breast removal or mastectomy.

Myth 4: Every breast lump is cancerous
Fact: every breast lump needs to be investigated but not all breast lumps are cancerous.

Myth 5: Men cannot get breast cancer
Fact: 1% of Breast cancer patients are men. It is rare but men can get breast cancer.
“Though breast cancer in men only account for 1% to 2% of all breast cancer cases, the incidence rate is gradually increasing. Moreover, due to lack of awareness, delayed diagnosis the mortality of breast cancer has been reported to be higher amongst men," says Dr Chitkara.

Myth 6: Breast cancer always causes a lump in breasts or armpits
Fact: The most common symptom of breast cancer is a painless lump in the breast or axilla, however it is not the only symptom. Breast cancer can also present as nipple deviation, retraction, ulceration or discharge from the nipple with or without a lump. It may also present a change in the shape or feel of the breast, skin thickening, ulceration and at times orange peel like appearance of the skin of the breast. Hence it is very important to do a monthly self breast examination and an annual clinical breast examination by your doctor. These examinations can help you pick up breast cancer early and increase the chances of a complete cure and better survival rates, according to Dr Chitkara.

Myth 7: Breast cancer is an old woman’s or man’s disease
Fact: As per the data from International Agency on Research on cancer in the year 2020, 1.78 lakh new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in India, out of these 1.32 lakh were above the age of 40 and rest were younger than 40 years of age. Breast cancer in young patients has comparatively aggressive clinical and biological characteristics and less favourable outcome as compared to the older patients. Breast cancer awareness among youngsters is the need of the hour to reduce its mortality and morbidity, says Dr Chitkara.
Dr Sanghvi and Dr Chitkara also bust some common breast cancer myths Myth 1: Breast cancer is not curable Fact: It is curable if detected early. Myth 2: Breast cancer is contagious or infectious Fact: It's neither infectious nor contagious. Myth 3: Breast Conservation Surgery is unsafe compared to complete breast removal or mastectomy Fact: Breast Conservation Surgery + Radiation therapy is as safe as complete breast removal or mastectomy. Myth 4: Every breast lump is cancerous Fact: every breast lump needs to be investigated but not all breast lumps are cancerous. Myth 5: Men cannot get breast cancer Fact: 1% of Breast cancer patients are men. It is rare but men can get breast cancer. “Though breast cancer in men only account for 1% to 2% of all breast cancer cases, the incidence rate is gradually increasing. Moreover, due to lack of awareness, delayed diagnosis the mortality of breast cancer has been reported to be higher amongst men," says Dr Chitkara. Myth 6: Breast cancer always causes a lump in breasts or armpits Fact: The most common symptom of breast cancer is a painless lump in the breast or axilla, however it is not the only symptom. Breast cancer can also present as nipple deviation, retraction, ulceration or discharge from the nipple with or without a lump. It may also present a change in the shape or feel of the breast, skin thickening, ulceration and at times orange peel like appearance of the skin of the breast. Hence it is very important to do a monthly self breast examination and an annual clinical breast examination by your doctor. These examinations can help you pick up breast cancer early and increase the chances of a complete cure and better survival rates, according to Dr Chitkara. Myth 7: Breast cancer is an old woman’s or man’s disease Fact: As per the data from International Agency on Research on cancer in the year 2020, 1.78 lakh new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in India, out of these 1.32 lakh were above the age of 40 and rest were younger than 40 years of age. Breast cancer in young patients has comparatively aggressive clinical and biological characteristics and less favourable outcome as compared to the older patients. Breast cancer awareness among youngsters is the need of the hour to reduce its mortality and morbidity, says Dr Chitkara.
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