Water Softener System / ION Exchange Services

Supplier: Bisan Group

Net-Zero Impact
Net-Zero Claims
  • Reduces pollution levels
  • Saves water
  • Prevents underground watertable contamination


Reduction of Hardness in water through Ion exchange technology.

Through the process of ion exchange, water softener systems work in removing magnesium and calcium found in the water by replacing them with sodium ions. As the hard water is introduced into the mineral tank, it meets a bed of resin beads that grab hold of the mineral ions, which effectively releases the sodium ions.

When water is hard, it can clog pipes, and damage boilers, heat exchangers, and many other devices. A water softener system can prevent these negative effects. Hard water causes a higher risk of lime scale deposits in industrial, commercial, and household water systems.

We, Design, Manufacture & supply a full line of standard and fully customizable water softener systems engineered we have several satisfied clients that use our water softener solutions.

Capacity: 50 to 1,000 m³ /Day


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