Unpolished Kodo Millet

Supplier: Jaivik Sattva

Net-Zero Impact
Net-Zero Claims
  • Locally sourced product
  • Chemical free product
  • Zero Based Natural Farming (ZBNF) product


Also known as Varagu in Tamil, Haraka in Kannada, Kodra in Hindi, Arikelu in Telugu, kodo millets are storehouse of nutrients.

  • Low glycemic index – Which means that Kodo millets release glucose/energy slowly, over a longer period of time and thus helps in sugar control. This makes it a great substitute for polished white rice
  • Gluten-free – Great for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.
  •  Easy to digest
  • Rich in antioxidants like polyphenols
  • Rich in dietary fiber.
  • Good source of vitamins – Vitamin B6, Niacin, folic acid and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc

Regular consumption of Kodo millet is very beneficial for postmenopausal women suffering from signs of cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure and high-cholesterol levels

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