Bio Cleaner

Net-Zero Impact
Net-Zero Claims
  • Saves water
  • Prevents underground watertable contamination
  • Locally sourced product


REVOLUTIONARY NEW SYSTEM The “Biocleaner” system is a revolutionary, breakthrough technology that harnesses the power of nature to treat all types of organic waste, such as residential, commercial, industrial, municipal sectors. The technology has gone through years of research and development in the United States. It can also be used to clean waterways such as rivers lakes and bays effectively. The Biocleaner has a rating for green patent A, setting itself apart from all other systems. Unlike other biological treatment systems, which require regular application of microbes, the Biocleaner constantly produces its own microbes, eliminating the need to add new microbes every day. Are the Microbes Safe? Yes. According to the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), the microbes we use are Biosafety level 1 meaning if a healthy human ingests them, it will not do any harm. The microbes used are indigenous to the country and will not cause any harmful outbreaks. Have the Microbes been Modified? No. The microbes are all-natural and are not genetically modified. There is no risk of the microbes mutating from their original form. What Happens to the Waste? Where Does it Go? The microbes digest the waste and turn it into carbon dioxide and water. This is a very clean and green technology. The reaction that occurs (aerobic): C6H12O6 + 6O2 ? 6CO2 + 6H2O. 

How Does it Work? In nature, microbes are used to decompose dead material until they are returned to the ecosystem. Just like nature, the Biocleaner uses natural microbes to treat wastewater towards its original form. The microbes are in a special patented immobilized state in the form of media. Immobilized state means that the microbes are dormant or hibernating. When media or microbes have oxygen and nutrients available, it then activates and will start multiplying. It is the newly produced microbes that will occupy the entire tank and treat the wastewater to high standards. The media is located along the bottom horizontal tube of the Biocleaner. The microbes use the waste as their food source. The Biocleaner also delivers a very efficient amount of Oxygen to the water. The microbes need to have a good source of oxygen to flourish. The Biocleaner is a natural, cost effective, and fast method of treating waste water.

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