Automatic Areca plate Machine

Supplier: Crea

Net-Zero Impact
Net-Zero Claims
  • Locally sourced material
  • Recycled / Reused material used
  • Recycled / Reused product


CREA Machines as a machinery manufacturer and solution provider we have come up with a fresh and new standard of automatic areca palm plate machine. With this machine Production Of Plates Can Be Increased By 2-3 Times (normally 3000 Plates Per Shift ) and for operating 10 Moulds You Just Need Only One Worker(replacing 1 worker in the place of 3).In a normal old available system, you need at least 20 feet for 10 moulds but in our new machine, you just need 6 Feet For 10 Moulds. Since the machine is automatic the production is linearized and efficiency of the production is increased exponentially. This machine is a perfect choice for those who need more production of plates with less worker strength with increased and linearized efficiency. With the increase in demand for areca palm plates and dinnerware, this machine is definitely a very necessary and needed change that a manufacturer should adapt. 


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