Advance Electro Coagulation (X - ECF) System

Supplier: Bisan Group

Net-Zero Impact
Net-Zero Claims
  • Reduces pollution levels
  • Saves water
  • Prevents underground watertable contamination


Advance Electrocoagulation (X-ECF) is a broad-spectrum treatment technology that removes Total suspended solids(TSS), heavy metals, emulsified oils, bacteria & other contaminants from water. 

It is an electrochemical water treatment process used by a variety of industries. The process destabilizes and aggregates contaminant particles, ions such as heavy metals, and colloids, using an electrical charge to hold them in solution. These are customized project based on the nature of Effluent & varies from industry to industry Required less space for plant set-up & for treating effluent chemicals are not required except for neutralizations.

We would to highlight here that especially this treatment works very cost-effectively for paint effluent treatment and sewage treatment.

Capacity: 100 kLD - 1,000 kLD

Major Application of X-ECF:

  • E f f l u e n t T r e a t m e n t P l a n t ( E T P )
  • S e w a g e T r e a t m e n t P l a n t ( S T P )
  • T e x t i l e s I n d u s t r i e s
  • T a n n e r i e s – L e a t h e r M a n u f a c t u r i n g
  • H o s p i t a l s
  • M a l l s
  • H o t e l s , e t c .

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